Transportation Services Mobility Master Plan
Project Description
Texas A&M University is embarking on a new mobility future, one that is rooted in fewer single-occupant vehicles traveling to and around campus,
one that prioritizes walking, bicycling, and public transportation as essential means of connecting around campus, and one that promotes safety,
congestion mitigation, greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and the unique character and quality of life of Texas A&M University.
This new mobility future will include parking on the fringes of campus, a reliance on connected and convenient mobility options, and complete streets that enable safe, convenient,
and low-stress access for users of all modes, ages, and abilities. The University wishes to promote the perception of travel safety and comfort among its students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
A multimodal transportation system that users continually perceive as safe, comfortable, and convenient is critical in the use of alternate modes and the adoption of behavior change.
Guided by the recent Campus Master Plan, Sustainability Master Plan, and other planning efforts, the Transportation Mobility Plan charts the workplan
for Texas A&M University Transportation Services for this new mobility future. This Plan details considerations around the implementation of strategies over the next ten years
to establish identified mobility goals. The plan focuses on the timing, cost, benchmarks, and key performance indicators for achieving success, with implementation steps meant to build on one another.
Foundational steps necessary to be implemented in the 10-year timeframe to set Texas A&M University Transportation Services up for success beyond the ten-year mark have also been identified.
View Mobility Master Plan
Project Approach
Discovery and Diagnosis: In the first phase, we have developed an understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the mobility and parking system at Texas A&M.
Scenario and Future Planning: In the second phase, we projected future needs and considered alternate scenarios.
Plan Development and Path Forward: We have developed an Implementation Action Plan, including long-term objectives and low-hanging fruit, based off of the recommendations from Walker Consultants.
Implementation Plan
Displayed below are our projects identified in the Mobility Master Plan that are underway or have been completed.
Some projects were modified from the original conceptual plan prior to completion.
For more details about these or any other projects identified by Walker Consultants, visit the
Mobility Master Plan document.
Penberthy Crossing at Physical Education Building Completed |
27 |
Raise pedestrian crossing between Lot 100 and Physical Education Building (about 750 sq. ft. of pavement). |
28 |
Build connection to sidewalk from Lot 100 (100 feet). Add 4 to 6 trees to demarcate crossing and direct pedestrian traffic from parking lot. |
29 |
Add bus shelters and benches on each side of the street to increase passenger comfort and transit service wayfinding. |
Bizzell Street and Polo Road Intersection Completed |
32 |
Reduce curve radius at corners to slow down turning vehicles. Add planters (14-18), improved paving and striping to protect pedestrians. |
33 |
Extend medians to create a refuge for pedestrians and slow vehicle turn movements (improved paving and striping protected with planters). |
34 |
Eliminate southbound left turn lane from Bizzell to Polo—increase size of median (150 feet x 11 feet) to reduce crossing distance of SB lanes for pedestrians. |
Ross Street Near Term |
19 |
Relocate vehicle gate at Ross/Asbury to Asbury Street, and vehicle gate at Ross/Ireland to Ireland Street, to control access between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Permit access to TAMU service vehicles and buses at all times. One-way (eastbound) traffic for buses between Houston and Ireland. |
Lot 19 Pedestrian Plaza In Discussion |
15 |
Raise Lot 19 and convert it into a curb less plaza—no reductions in parking, to provide seamless path for pedestrians between MSC/Trigon and Evans Library. 15,000 sq. ft. of new pavement. |
16 |
Add trees (2) to screen parking lot and pavement markings (320 feet) to delineate bicycle path through lot—connecting Trigon with Ross Street and Sbisa Hall/Asbury Street. |
17 |
Add a double-arm gate to control vehicle access and bollards (20) to delineate shared path—vehicles and bikes. |
Reed Arena Pedestrian Paths Pause/Signal Study |
30 |
Provide direct walking route between Reed Arena and Student Recreation Center. Provide midblock pedestrian crossing (painted crosswalk) across Olsen Blvd. Add pedestrian activated Rapid Flashing Beacon (2) to alert drivers. |
31 |
Raise pedestrian crossings on Lot 102, in front of Reed Arena, to continue pedestrian route (2 x 320 sq. ft.). Add pavement texture or different pavement across Lot 104 to continue route to Student Recreation Center (200 feet). |
Bizzell Street & Polo Road Intersection Completed |
35 |
Add new striping and signage to demarcate bike lanes along Bizzell Street and continue across Polo Road intersection (about 1,800 feet). |
Pickard Pass Completed |
50 |
Address blind corner of path going to Recreation Center with channelization of walking and pedestrian paths. Install planters (3-4), plastic bollards (15-20), and painted markings to reinforce separation of modes and safety at blind corner. |
51 |
Mark the bike path on pavement at the end of Pickard Pass where it meets the Kyle Field plaza, to provide guidance to cyclists and pedestrians and continuity of bike route to connect with bike lanes on Gene Stallings and Joe Routt Boulevards (about 300 feet). |
White Creek Community Center Connection Near Term |
44 |
Build two-way bike path on west side of Penberthy Boulevard from John Kimbrough Boulevard to George Bush Drive (about 2,700 feet long). |
Gene Stallings & Joe Routt Boulevard Near Term |
52 |
Relocate southbound bike lane on Gene Stallings Boulevard to east side of street, forming a 2-way bike path. This reduces conflicts with the garage entry and at the intersections with Joe Routt and Lamar. About 600 feet. |
53 |
Add bike roundabout at intersection to distribute bike traffic. This will be a painted circle to allow buses and loading vehicles to go through, as well as the Corps march on gamedays. Relocate gate for bus and service vehicle access on Joe Routt to nearside of intersection, to reduce conflicts with bicycle traffic. |
Gene Stallings Boulevard & Lamar Street Near Term |
54 |
Convert painted medians to landscaped areas, to channelize traffic, reduce speed and increase safety (about 150 feet of medians on Gene Stallings). Add safety islands on Lamar (about 150 feet) to protect bike and ped crossings. This also reinforces bus priority on Lamar. |
55 |
Raise crosswalk (about 2,000 sq. ft. of new pavement) between MSC and ILCB and eliminate right turns from Lamar to Gene Stallings (at least for non-game days). |
56 |
Continue two-way bike path across intersection to connect with two-way bike path on Lamar Street, along the Simpson Drill Field (about 60-80 feet). |
Military Walk at Rudder Plaza In Discussion |
37 |
Build bike path connection between Trigon (Throckmorton Street) and MSC (Lamar Street). Paint and markings for 550 feet long path. |
38 |
Move “wheels route” on Military Walk to new bike path connecting Lot 19 with Lot 10. Add markings along existing foot path to designate new bike route—1,000 feet. |
Pickard Pass Completed |
60 |
Relocate entry to Lot 47 from Polo Road away from pedestrian crossing to Polo Recreation Center. Close northside exit from Lot 47 to Polo Road. Close northside driveway connecting Lots 47 and 51. Redirect vehicles exiting Lot 47 to southside exit on Bizzell, and to northeast exit on Lot 51. |
61 |
Eliminate left turn lane to Lot 47 from Polo Road and build a pedestrian safety island to protect crossings. Raise crosswalk (about 400 sq. ft.) and provide a direct route to ADA parking on Lot 51. |
62 |
Redesign southern entrance to Lots 47/51 so that drivers can turn right or left onto Bizzell when exiting. Open gap on Bizzell Street median to allow entry and exit of vehicles to/from Lots 47 and 51. |
New Stallings Garage exit to Wellborn Road Near Term |
59 |
Open a new exit to the Stallings Garage on the service road between the garage and the Innovative Learning Classroom Building (ILCB) to provide a direct connection with Wellborn Road and diver traffic from Gene Stallings Boulevard and the intersection with Joe Routt Boulevard. Add an exit only gate. |
View Mobility Master Plan
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