DPR Frequently Asked Questions

2021 DPR Training on Business & Campus Virtual Process

What is a DPR?

DPR stands for Departmental Parking Representative, which is a designated liaison between Transportation Services and their department/college whose duties include assigning parking allocations, advising new employees of parking procedures and parking regulations, maintaining accurate parking records, and prioritizing parking for individuals within their department.

How do I get to the DPR site?

You can find a link to the DPR site by clicking on the Departments tab and scrolling down to the DPR Login link. Login using your NetID and password. The web URL is https://transport.tamu.edu/DPRWeb.

How do I check if my department has any citations?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Citations link on the left menu under the Departmental Parking section.

How do I check to see if the employees in my department have registered for parking?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Parking Registration link on the left menu under the Employee Permits section. Click on the three registration radio buttons at the top of the page to navigate between unregistered employees and registered employees.

How do I register for parking for one of my employee's personal permit?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Parking Registration link on the left menu under the Employee Permits section. Find the employee name and click on the Start Registration link in the far right column. Complete all registration steps until you receive a confirmation page.

How do I renew my departmental permits?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. During open registration only, click on the Permit Registration link on the left menu under the Departmental Permits section. Select the permits that need to be renewed by checking the box in the far left column and using clicking the Renew link at the top of the page.

Can I get a list of all my departmental permits?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the View Dept Permit link on the left menu under the Departmental Parking section. You can view all permits on the site as well as click on the Export Departmental Permits to Excel button at the top right corner.

Can I see a list of my employees' personal permits?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the View Employee Permit link on the left menu under the View Employee Permit section. Click the Employee Permits tab at the top of the page. You can view all permits on the site as well as click on the Export Departmental Permits to Excel button at the top right corner.

How do I purchase a business permit using IDT?

Only DPR's can purchase business permits by logging in to the DPR site using their NetID and password. If paying using an IDT, click on the Business Permit (IDT) link on the left menu under the Departmental Permits section. Fill out all necessary fields on the online request form and click submit. A receipt screen will pop up, print the receipt and use it as the temporary business permit until you receive the permanent permit from Transportation Services Customer Service office.

How do I purchase a business permit using a pro-card or departmental check?

Only DPR's can purchase business permits by logging in to the DPR site using their NetID and password. If paying using an pro-card or check, click on the Campus Permits Request on the left menu under the Departmental Permits section. Fill out all necessary fields on the online request form and click submit. You will be contacted for payment by the Transportation Services Customer Service office within 24 hours of submitting your request.

How do I add or change the custodian on a departmental permit?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Edit Permit Custodian link on the left menu under the Departmental Parking section. Select the permit you want to add or change the custodian for from the drop down menu, complete the form and click submit. The Transportation Services Customer Service office will contact you within 24 hours to let you know the custodian change submitted has been completed.

How do I request a parking for a new employee?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Permit Request link on the left menu under the Employee Permits section. Complete the form and click submit. The Transportation Services Customer Service office will contact you or the employee within 24 hours of submitting the request for further instructions.

How do I remove or add a new DPR?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the DPR Request link on the left menu under the Others section. Complete the form and click submit. The Transportation Services Customer Service office will contact you and the DPR being change within 24 hours to let you know that the DPR add/change has been completed.

How do I know if I have renewed my departmental permits on the DPR site?

All renewed permits will read “RENEWED” in green text in the Action column on the Permit Registration link under the Departmental Permits section.

How do I know if I have registered one of my employees correctly for their personal permit?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the Parking Registration link on the left menu under the Employee Permits section. Click on the Registered radio button at the top and find the employee’s name. Click the Change link in the far right column to review the employee’s registration details. If the employee does not show up under the Registered radio button, then the employee’s registration has not yet been completed.

How do I know who the custodian (responsible person) of a departmental permit is?

Login to the DPR site using your NetID and password. Click on the View Dept Permit link on the left menu under the Departmental Parking section. The custodian column shows the responsible person for each permit.

Why is the DPR site telling me I am not authorized to access the website?

Only DPRs are allowed to access the DPR website. If you feel you need access to the website, please consult your department administrators or Transportation Services at 862-PARK for a list of the current DPR(s) for your mail stop.

What is different about the business permit?

Starting the 2021-2022 permit year, Business permits will have two options. If your employee is utilizing the business spaces, or lots around campus then a Business permit will be all you need. If you prefer to use the garages with your business permit, then the Business+ option is what you will need to purchase. Throughout the year if you notice you are not using the garages as frequently as you thought, you can return the Business+ permit and order a Business permit. Conversely, if you find you need garage access, you can return the Business permit, and order the Business+ permit, at any time. Since the permits are virtual, you will have immediate access to them through the DPR account which allows you to assign them as needed and will provide the assigned custodian immediate Business/Business+ accessibility. As always, a Business/Business+ permit must be used in conjunction with active A&M permit. Your DPR account will continue to show you your employees who have an active permit.

How do I get the business permit to the employee to use?

No longer must you physically hand out a permit. Simply login to the DPR account and assign/reassign them as needed throughout the day or semester. Since the permits are virtual, once you have added the Business/Business+ to an employee with an active permit, the assigned employee will have immediate Business/Business+ accessibility. Assigning and tracking your business permits will be easier than ever.

Permit & Registration FAQs

Frequently asked questions